9 undefined

Haste makes waste.

undefined"'... You do not save any time by working too fast. Hurrying will cause you to make mistakes, and you will have to take extra time to do the job over again.

undefined️..“Stop trying to rush through three things at once-haste makes waste.”

undefined"'.. Acting too quickly may actually slow things down.If you do things too fast, you make mistakes. Rushing can lead to costly mistakes. It makes for a poor result.
undefined️..“Hurry up and get my car fixed.” "Don't rush me. Haste makes waste.”

undefined undefined"' undefined..https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


A negative attitude will get you nowhere M.Rostami.mp3

۲.۹۳ مگابایت
10 undefined

undefined...“ A negative attitude will get you nowhere. "...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


10 undefined

"A negative attitude will get you nowhere."

...undefined"' You get nowhere, you go nowhere, you don’t make any progress, you don’t achieve anything.

undefined️.. “They're getting nowhere on this project.”

...undefined"' “going nowhere”,… “not going anywhere” means: “not changing”, “not making progress”.

undefined️.. “Your relationship is going nowhere.”

...undefined"' You’re having no success. You’re going nowhere.

undefined️.. “He has been looking for a job but has gotten nowhere.”

undefined undefined"' undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


He is all skin and bones M.Rostami.mp3

۲.۶۸ مگابایت
11 undefined

undefined...“ He is all skin and bones."...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


11 undefined

"He is all skin and bones."

..undefined"' To be extremely thin, too skinny.
undefined️..“When she died, she was just skin and bones.”

undefined️..“I was all skin and bones. My mom insisted on making me home-cooked meals for a month.”

...undefined"' To be very thin in a way that is not healthy or attractive, skin and bones.

undefined️..“A lot of these fashion models are all skin and bones.”

undefined️..“Your brother is just skin and bones - has he been sick?”

..undefined"' “Skin and bones” could be a condition or state of extreme thinness, usually the result of malnutrition; emaciation:

undefined undefined"' undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


better late than never M.Rostami.mp3

۱.۹۵ مگابایت
12 undefined

undefined...“ Better late than never"...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


12 undefined

"Better late than never."

undefined"..Doing something late is better than not doing it…To do something later than expected isn't good, but it is better than not at all… better late than never….
..undefined" You say “better late than never” when someone has done something, you think they should have done it earlier…you think that it is better for someone or something to be late than never to arrive or to happen ………better late than never…
..undefined" It is better to do something after it was supposed to have been done than not to do it at all…. better late than never….

undefined️.. "We've been waiting for you for an hour--but better late than never."

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


He hasn't got much savvy M.Rostami.MP3

۱.۵۳ مگابایت
13 undefined

undefined...“He hasn't got much savvy."...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


13 undefined

"He hasn't got much savvy."

undefined.. Someone who is savvy is clever and knows how to deal with situations successfully.
undefined️.. “He’s a savvy businessman.”
undefined".. Savvy is understanding or knowledge of how to do something, the ability to make good judgments.
undefined️.. “He’s also a very politically savvy senator.”
undefined".. Someone who is savvy is shrewd and perceptive.
undefined️.. “She's a very savvy investor.”
undefined".. An example of savvy is the person who friends call to help them when their computer is having problems.

undefined undefined"' undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ...undefined:


Get your act together M.Rostami.MP3

۱۱.۸۷ مگابایت
14 undefined

undefined...“Get your act together."...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


14 undefined

"Get your act together."

undefined".. If you get your act together, you greatly improve your attitude and performance in relation to something such as your work, or to life in general.
undefined️.. “You're in your thirties now, so it's time to get your act together and start behaving like a mature adult.”
undefined️.. “Grow up, get your act together, try to behave like a professional.”
undefined".. To organize your life or work in a better way, especially by having clear goals and a plan for achieving them.
undefined️.. “He is trying to get his act together and do better in all aspects of his life.”
undefined".. To take action to become well-organized, prepared, or in a better state of life.
undefined️.. “You need to get your act together and finish packing so that we can leave for the airport on time tomorrow morning."
undefined"..To organize one's thoughts, often with the aim of regaining one's calm.
undefined️.. “I really need to get my act together before I go into the board meeting.”
undefined".. If you get your act together, you organize yourself effectively so that you can deal successfully with things.
undefined️.. “We're going to be 22 points down by Monday, and we've got to get our act together.”
undefined".. Organize yourself in the manner required in order to achieve something. Start to behave more appropriately or effectively; get organized.
undefined️.. “All that the dirty, homeless man on the corner talking to himself needs is just to get his act together.”
undefined".. If you get your act together, you organize your life or your affairs so that you are able to achieve what you want or to deal with something effectively.
undefined️.. “We have to get our act together–we have to organize ourselves.”

undefined undefined"' undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


Act your age M.Rostami.mp3

۲.۱۸ مگابایت
15 undefined

undefined...“Act your age."...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


15 undefined

"Act your age."
..undefined" Behave more maturely. Behave in a way suitable for someone as old as you are… Act your age. undefined️.. “Stop being silly and act your age!”
..undefined" You tell someone that they are behaving in a stupid way, as if they were much younger than they really are. You tell them, “Act your age. Don't be such a baby!”
..undefined" Behave in a mature way; don’t act younger than you are. Behave in a manner appropriate to your stage in life.
undefined️.. “It's time for you to get serious and stop being silly. Grow up. Act your age!”
undefined️.. “Granddad is doing his jazz dancing again. So embarrassing. I wish he'd act his age.”
..undefined" If someone tells you to act your age, they are telling you to behave in a way that is suitable for someone your age, because they think you are behaving in a childish way.

undefined undefined"' undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


He's not backing down M.Rostami.m4a

۱.۵۹ مگابایت
16 undefined

undefined...“He's not backing down."...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


16 undefined

"He’s not backing down."

undefined.. He’s not admitting that he was wrong. He’s not backing down.
undefined.. You’re not retreating from a particular idea or course of action.
undefined.. You’re not backing down. You are not yielding to a person or a thing. You’re not backing down…

undefined️.. "Eventually, he backed down and apologized."

undefined.. You lessen or drop an earlier rigid position on something. You yield something in an argument. You back down.

undefined️.. “She backed down on her demands.”

undefined.. You withdraw from a position or confrontation. You back down.You decide not to do something because others say you should not do it…You back down.

undefined undefined"' undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


Beggars can't be choosers M.Rostami.MP3

۱۰.۱۹ مگابایت
17 undefined

undefined...“ Beggars can't be choosers. "...undefined

undefined undefined undefined..https://ble.ir/quote_1..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


17 undefined

Beggars can't be choosers.

undefined"'.. You must accept that which is given to you, especially if you don't have the means to acquire it yourself.

undefined️.. “That dress wasn't exactly what I would have picked for myself, but, hey, it was free, and I'm broke right now. Beggars can't be choosers.”
undefined️.. “It would be nice to have a suit with a better fit, but as they say, beggars can't be choosers.”

undefined"'.. You must accept an offer or a particular course of action, because it is the only one which is available to you.
undefined️.. -"So would you be happy to work wherever you got a job?"
-"Yes. You've got to take anything that comes around because beggars can't be choosers."

undefined"'.. People with no other options must be content with what is offered.You have to accept anything that is offered to you, usually because you have no money or power.
undefined"'.. People who depend on the generosity of others are in no position to dictate what others give them.If someone gives you something you asked for, you should not complain about what you get.
undefined️.. “I asked Joe to lend me his bicycle, and he sent me this old, rusty one. But beggars can't be choosers.”
undefined️.. -Let me wear your green dress; I don't like the blue one you lent me.- Beggars can't be choosers.

undefined"'.. You say beggars can't be choosers to mean that you should not reject an option if it is the only one which is available to you.
undefined️.. “Initially I'd take any job that was offered me — beggars can't be choosers.”
undefined️.. “There are some apartments available, and beggars can't be choosers, but they're not very nice.”

undefined"'.. When there is no choice, you have to be satisfied with whatever you can get. Those in need must take whatever they can get.
undefined️.. "I would have preferred a bed, but beggars can’t be choosers so I slept on the sofa in the living room.

undefined"'..Beggars can’t be choosers is a proverb that expresses the sentiment that one should be grateful for aid, no matter how it is given. One in need of help can not dictate the conditions of the help that is given and should not complain about the type or quality of help that is offered.

undefined undefined"' undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:


It takes guts to stand up to her M.Rostami.MP3

۶.۷۵ مگابایت
18 undefined

undefined...“ It takes guts to stand up to her. "...undefined

undefined undefined undefined.. https://ble.ir/quote_1..undefined:
Mojtaba Rostami


18 undefined

“It takes guts to stand up to her.”

undefined️.. Have the guts (to do something). Someone who has enough courage to do something has the guts to do it.

undefined"'... “No one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he was making.”
undefined"'... “I don’t think I’d have the guts to say that to his face.”
undefined"'... “He has a lot of guts to be hunting by himself.”

undefined️.. To have enough courage, conviction, or resolve (to do something).

undefined"'... “It takes guts to start a new business on your own.”
undefined"'... “You're always talking about quitting your job, but I don't think you have the guts.”
undefined"'... “I know it can be difficult, but you've got to have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.”

undefined️.. The courage and determination you need to do something difficult or unpleasant.Possess the courage, as in: “Does he have the guts to dive off the high board?”
undefined"'... “He’ll never agree to sail across the Atlantic with you. He hasn’t got the guts.”

undefined️.. When you have "guts" you are saying you are brave or have a lot of courage.
undefined"'... “She didn’t have the guts to tell him she was going to move out.”
undefined"'...“It takes a lot of guts to admit to so many people that you've made a mistake.”

undefined undefined"' undefined..https://ble.ir/quote_1 ..undefined:
